Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tako Parr - May 2012 to 20 December 2013

Last night, Tako passed away.  She had a reaction to some medicine she got on Wednesday and was in what appeared to be a coma Thursday and Friday.  Last night, it seems she had a seizure and passed away.  I found her this morning with Zen laying next to her, trying to keep her warm.

I got Tako on my fifth day at site, 4 September 2012, from another teach, Stanley Ngwira.  She was four months old.  For that first month in Thunduti, she was my only roommate and my only local friend.  She was the second member of the Parr family's Malawian extension.  When I got Fletcher, Tak instantly hated her, only for the two of them to become best friends.  

She was the first pet I’ve ever had that was just mine.  She was my best friend, and “Our Queen.”  She will be missed and will forever be in my heart.
Kitty hammock.

Tako laying in her most recent favorite spot, my bike rack.  This is the last picture I have of her.