Saturday, August 04, 2012

Tambala No More

So, we find out our sites on Thursday!  It'll be really cool seeing as the Ed'11 group will be at the college for MST (mid-service training) and we'll be there for a "Hub Day" so we will get to find out and then pick the brains of those that live close to our future sites.  Then we move out of home-stay on Sunday.

Anyways, I got a funny story from this week.  A couple days ago, after dinner, I was talking with my family about the chickens around our compound.  Our conversation went something like this (spanning three languages, but for your benefit, I have translated everything to English).

Me: "So the rooster woke me up last night at around 2am and I was like 'Ahhh, silly rooster!"
(Side-note: the chicken coop is next to my room)
Bambo (father): "Ohhh, roosters are very loud.  I do not like them.  They make you wake up and do work."
Me: "I don't want to wake up.  I like sleeping in."
(Side-note: by sleeping in I mean 6am)
Mayi: "Hahaha, you like to sleep."
Bambo: "Sleeping in is good."
Me: "I will not have any roosters when I get my own house."

So, two days later, I wake up about 5am and was oddly disturbed.  Something was roosters in the yard all morning waking me up.  I'm oddly intrigued by this lack of noise.  Thinking they simply silenced the roosters somehow, by putting them inside the storage shed or chicken coup, I assume nothing is wrong.  That is, until lunch.  Guess what was for lunch?  You guessed it, CHICKEN!!!

Well, there were in fact two roosters.  The other one was not near as vocal.  That evening, I see Bambo shooing the rooster into the storage shed.  I guess this is a good way to keep your last rooster alive without causing noise.  Lucky guy dodged the knife, right?

Wrong.  This morning, there was a rooster plucking in the kitchen.

The moral of this story, don't annoy me or my Bambo and Mayi will make me eat you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to hear that things are going well and that you seem so excited for your permanent post. Also that you've had something else to eat besides sima. :)
