Sunday, August 17, 2014

"You are not special!"

We're in the Intercape Bus (super bwana/luxury, double-decker) crossing from Zimbabwe to South Africa. We all get out of the bus, get our passports stamped exit from Zimbabwe, load back up, and head onto the Biet Bridge. 

Our driver decides we shouldn't have to wait in the long queue of buses, cars, and semis. So, he pulls into the on-coming lane, passes everyone, and starts to merge at the vehicle inspection gate. 

One of the South African officials starts yelling at the driver. We can't hear most of what he said (we're upstairs), but we did hear him say the driver must make a U-turn and reenter the queue. When, apparently, the driver protested, we could clearly hear, "I'm not joking. You are not special! Don't think that you are."

Well, our bus had to U-turn, cross back to the Zimbabwe side of the bridge, make another U-turn (next to some very confused looking Zimbabwian soldiers), and then reenter the vehicle queue. 

Turns out, no more vehicles had cleared Zimbabwian exit customs, so we were right back where we started. 

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