Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Future: GRE and Jobs

Just to keep everyone that was wondering updated, I have reached that point in my service where I'm beginning to view life after Peace Corps as a phase I'm rapidly approaching, not a distant fantasy. So, I've begun planning for the next steps. 

Since I took the GRE the first time back in 2007, and they expire after 5 years, I recently took it again at the embassy in Lilongwe. It was cool, because they don't have the computer system, so I got to take the old-school paper test. It's all the same questions, but I could write on the exam. I feel good about it, but the results take 6 weeks. 

Now, let the job search begin. I want to start my Ph.D. program in the Fall of 2015, so I have to find something to do with the 11 months of September 2014 through August 2015. I'm hoping to find a job working in Ecology research, preferable tropical and/or marine (which is what I eventually want to work in). If anyone knows of anything in particular, please email or somehow message me.

1 comment:

  1. NOAA and Scripts might be good options. One of the largest oceanic research vessels is owned by NOAA in Florida.
