Monday, November 25, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Thunduti CDSS Student

I have been blessed to be matched with not one, but three different American classrooms through Peace Corps' Paul D. Coverdell World Wise Schools program. I asked two students to write a letter that I could send with them describing what a day in their life is like. Here they are.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Misuku Visit (in pictures)

Recently, I was fortunate enough to visit my friend and fellow Ed12 Teacher Development Facilitator, Megan. I could try to describe my visit to Misuku, where she lives, but I could never do it justice. Instead, sit back, and let me take you on a photographic tour of one of the most beautiful places I've seen in Africa.

The leaves change color here, too.
Our dashboard friend on the hour-long drive from the tarmac to Misuku.
Megan and her feline companion, Annie.

Annie is probably causing trouble.  She is a kitten.
"The flash is too bright!"
We drank lots of coffee (made with Melissa's press).
Those blue baggies are full of ground coffee. That's right, they sell coffee in the markets in Misuku.
I asked Megan's Deputy Head-Master, a coffee farmer, for some coffee.  He brought me a kg of some of the best dark roasted coffee I've ever had in my life.
Handing out at Megan's house.
Teaching genetics
I was quite proud of my TALULAR (Teaching and Learning Using Locally Available Resources) chromosomes.
Me and the two teachers (other than Megan) that attended the whole genetics workshop at Misuku CDSS.
Primary school teachers in the Misuku TDC cluster at my Circulatory and Respiratory Systems workshop.  Here, they're feeling how the intercostal muscles are only active during heavy breathing.

Circulatory System demonstration
I ate very well at Megan's.  She made a lot of chapatis and used a lot of avocados, both amazing things.
Misuku trading center as seen from the TDC
Misuku trading center
Misuku's new TNM tower, meaning Megan actually has cell service now.
Entering Wilindi Forest
Hiking through the forest
Cool foliage

The path through the trees
Looking out over Chitipa district
Looking out over Chitipa district
Posing in the mountains
Megan resting
Valley agriculture
That town is Chitipa Boma
More pretty colors of dry season
Sara's 'Little House on the Savannah'
My first chicken kill (with Andrew's help)
Loretta! Last time I saw her, I was nursing her after she'd been in a dog fight.
Sensei, daughter of Zen, and possessor of all energies

Friday, November 08, 2013

Happy Homecoming!

As my part for cultural exchange today, I have chosen to observe the City of Gainesville official holiday of UF Homecoming. I have taken a half day, and am currently sitting in the courtyard, only wearing a towel, because I just showered after a dip in the pool. Time to read, a rare treat these days.

Let the Gator Growl! Go Gators!!!

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Peace Corps Cribs and October in Clips

First, here is a video I've been meaning to make for a while. It's a tour of my house. I've been waiting for the house to be full furnished, and then for someone to be able to video it, and finally for us to actually remember. Well, thanks to Donald, here's the final product. Enjoy it, because it was a beast to get uploaded. 

Also, here is the month of October in 4 second clips. The number in the bottom, right corner is the date, and I've included brief descriptions of what is happening on each day. 

1 - Locking up for three weeks on the road
2 - Ian licking the pot
3 - Busing through Kasungu
4 - Game Count Briefing
5 - Game Count Day 1
6 - Game Count Day 2
7 - Cooking chili
8 - Rita teaching
9 - Hitching
10 - Jaming
11 - Walking to IRC
12 - Walking into office
13 - Slow transport day
14 - Slow transport day (again)
15 - Picking mint
16 - Baboon in tree
17 - Tako and her kitten
18 - Watching Breaking Bad on Zune
19 - "Ain't no need to go outside."
20 - Writing lecture
21 - Eating sima
22 - Watching the news (University House)
23 - Mid-term Exam
24 - Tako dreaming
25 - Inflating the pool
26 - Checking football scores
27 - Chillin' in the pool
28 - Grading
29 - Best of Will Ferril (SNL)
30 - Friend's copy shop
31 - Polishing wooden sword (Halloween costume)